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List of Chemicals Used in Garments Washing and Their Functions

Washing Chemicals

Garments washing are done by chemical reaction; the only raw materials used in the garment washing process are chemicals. In a washing factory, many types of chemicals are used for different functions. This article is all about the functions of garment washing chemicals. Here, we presented a List of Chemicals Used in Garments Washing and Their Functions.

Washing is a chemical process, It is done with chemicals in the machine. The recipes must be followed accordingly for each washing process. Each chemical has a unique function and recipe to make the combination and mix it all together.

List of Chemicals Used in Garments Washing and Their Functions

Different types of chemicals used in The Garments washing

  1. Basic Chemical
  2. Detergent / Pretreatment
  3. Enzyme
  4. Dyeing auxiliaries
  5. Finishing
  6. Special chemical

Basic Chemicals of Garments washing

SL NoDescriptionFunction
1Acetic acid (GLACIAL)Acid
2Sodium sulfate (Glauber salt)Salt
3Sodium carbonate (Soda ash)Alkali
4Sodium Hydroxide (Caustic soda)Alkali
5Caustic Soda (Liquid 45%)Alkali
6Sodium sulphide (Flakes)Alkali
7Sodium meta bi-sulphateNeutralizer
8Lava cone mex-02Neutralizer
9Hydroxyl ammonium sulphateNeutralizer
10Citric acidAcid
11Sodium perborateDetergent
12Bleach singclone-65%Bleach chlorine
13Bleach K.C.IBleach chlorine
14Hydrogen peroxide-50%Oxidizer
15Pumic stoneStone
16Potassium permanganate (potash)Oxidizing agent

Detergent/ Pretreatment chemicals of Garments washing and Functions

SL NoDescriptionFunction
2Rewash APTDetergent
3Jngen SP AWP 145Soaping agent
4Fortress GDPAnti backstain
5SeykoSperse SPW 801 CONCAnti backstain

Enzyme chemicals for Garments washing

SL No               DescriptionFunction
1Ecozyme 15LBio polishing agent
2Hidros tedBio polishing agent
3Ecozyme ultraNeutral enzyme
4Lerzyme 330Neutral enzyme
5Lava cell NHC coldNeutral enzyme
6Denilite 11SLaccas enzyme
7GZyme ultraAmylase

Dyeing Auxiliaries chemicals of Garments washing

SL NoDescriptionFunction
1Acramin prefix KCationizer
2Asufix EP-F NuevoFixing agent
3Albafix ECOFixing agent
4Jinfix ECO RFC-536Fixing agent
5Linex HWCationizer
6Mordiente MacCationizer
7Mordiente M newCationizer
8Rucowet VLWetting agent
9Jintexalate SQ-114FESequester
10Jintexalate SQ-117CASequester
11Rewash RNPStabilizer
12Geltab RSStabilizer
13Helizerin binder ET ECOBinder
14Faip TIULeveling agent
15Solopol LDELeveling agent
16Pretreatment zipAnti-creasing
17Imacol C2GAnti-creasing
18Asugal TDB newLeveling agent

Finishing chemicals for garment washing

SL NoDescriptionFunction
1Ressoft A090Antiozon softener
2Elam 109Antiozon softener
3Geisoft WCSNonionic softener
4Elam GRM CONCCationic softener
5Elam RP-CONCSilicon softener
6Ressilk MESSilicon softener
7Jingen sis 60 (IT0003)Silicon softener
8Rucofin GWESilicon softener
9Feran-iceSilicon softener
10Skay white 2BOptical brightening agent
11Skay white BBUOptical brightening agent
12Skay white 4BKOBA
13Legaflex zeroResin
14Product PPUB newFinishing agent

Special Chemicals for Garments washing

SL NoDescriptionFunction
1ASU saltOxidizer
2GT chlor plusBleach activator
3GT-crockichi T-K9NFixing agent
4Jinsofter PRHPolyethylene
5Denim Col spec EPDPolyethylene
6Sodium hydrosulfide CON (hydros)Solubility
7Oxalic acidAcid
8Sodium hexameta phosphateChilleting agent
9Lava con PAPPP activator

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