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Textile Notes

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Finish Garments Warehouse Inventory Management System

Finish Garments Warehouse Inventory Management System

Finished Goods Warehouse in Garments
The finished goods warehouse of the garments industry is the goods storage area where finished garments are in cartons as per the buyer’s required packing list. Temperature and mold prevention are very important in finished goods warehouses.  Many garment factories have CTPAT (Customs-Trade Partnership against Terrorism), a restricted block area covered by security. The finished goods warehouse is a very restricted area, only related employees are allowed here. Cartons should be handled sensitively here; carton quality is a big issue for customers, and crushed carton affects product quality. This article is about the Finish Garments Warehouse Inventory Management System of the garments industry, the working procedure is given below.

Finished goods are the customer’s asset, they have ordered, and the garments maker packs them accordingly. So the Garment manufacturer’s responsibility is to protect finished goods till delivery to the customer. Finished garments are kept in the finished goods warehouse. There is some specific procedure how to do Inventory Management and control of Finish Garments Warehouse. Here we go Finish Garments Warehouse Inventory Management System in the following:

Finish Garments Warehouse Inventory Management System

Finished Goods Warehouse/CTPAT area of Garments Industry Finish Garments Warehouse working procedure

Receiving in Finishing floor check complete cartoon are audit pass or not?

If the audit ok, then discuss with the pack supervisor to Transfer to W/H.

After confirmation take the movement challan from the pack supervisor

Before Transfer checks, the cartoons are quality ok or damaged for export.

If found damaged then discuss or take the necessary steps to change the cartoon.

If everything is okay then transfer the cartoon to W/H stacking PO, color, and style-wise as per buyer packing requirement.

Cartoon stacking must be as per Buyer Instruction or Compliance instruction.

Movement challan filling or Register khata maintain.

If required for pre-final or final or recheck then proceed by movement challan.

After the Final Inspection Pass, the Packing man will hand over the goods as per the packing list qty.

Goods will be kept in the CTPAT area before delivery shipping port

After receiving the goods, inform a commercial and merchandising section of the procedure export process.

Before loading the goods check again the export confirmation from the related authorized person & the export cartoon quality or not.

Load carton in shipping cargo serial-wise as per buyer cargo handover procedure.

That’s all on the Finish Garments Warehouse Inventory Management and Control System.

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