Textile Notes

Textile blog on Textile, Clothing and Fashion Resource

Textile Notes

Textile blog on Textile, Clothing and Fashion Resource

Preparing Time & Action Plan(TNA) in Garments Manufacturing

Preparing Time & Action Plan(TNA): Scheduling in Garments Manufacturing The preparation of the Time & Action Plan(TNA) is just a step-by-step work schedule of a merchandiser for a garments order. Though all the tasks are not done by the merchandisers, they are doing the following up on each actions and get the things by the[…] Read More

Responsibilities of Sample Maker/ Man in the Apparel Industry

A sample maker in the apparel industry plays a key role in turning design concepts into physicalgarments that can be used for prototypes, fittings, or production. They work closely with fashiondesigners, pattern makers, and production teams to ensure the final sample garment meets thedesired specification. Here we are presenting details on the Responsibilities of Sample[…] Read More

Trims and Accessories Inspection Procedure of Garments Industry

Trims- Accessories Inspection To assure you that the trims and accessories are going to be used in bulk production areas per the buyer’s acceptable quality standard and requirement, here, assure trims used in the bulk production are in an acceptable quality level and minimize garments rejection due to trim defects. Trim inspection is very important for[…] Read More

Process Flow Chart of Garments Merchandising

A merchandiser has vast knowledge about the whole garments merchandising process, that’s include costing, pricing, negotiating, booking, consumption, product development, cutting, sewing, finishing, testing ( materials and product), commercial knowledge, and overall garments related all technical knowledge to develop a Garments manufacturing business. We are presenting Process Flow Chart of Garments Merchandising. Everything a merchandiser gets[…] Read More

Human Resource Management (HRM) System in Bangladesh Apparel Industry

Being the 2nd largest RMG exporter in the world, the Human Resource Management (HRM) part is a big taking point for Bangladesh. It contributes a large part to Bangladesh’s GDP and gives jobs to millions of women. How they manage manpower and other things in the massive production demand, we will know everything in this[…] Read More

Important Safety Instructions and Rules for Using Sewing Machine

Important Safety Instructions and Rules for Using a Sewing Machine Safety Precautions in Sewing: Safety is an important issue in any type of job, whether it is easy or hard. In the apparel manufacturing industry, a sewing machine operator works for a long time. To ensure enough security for them is a mandatory duty for all the factory personnel[…] Read More

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