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13 International Shipping Terms and Conditions in Export Import Business

13 International Shipping Terms and Conditions in Export Import Business

Shipping Terms Abbreviations or INCO Terms:

INCO terms mean International commercial terms that are evolved to fulfill certain rights and obligations imposed by a trade contract on the buyer and seller. An export contract involves some uncertainties after the goods are shipped and before they are received by the buyer. We are sharing here 13 International Shipping Terms and Conditions in Export Import Business.

The responsibility or obligation towards the shipped goods lies to who has become an important issue. INCO terms will dictate the responsibility of the seller till where and the responsibility of the buyer from where.

13 International Shipping Terms and Conditions in Export Import Business

The INCO terms were evolved by the International Chamber of Commerce to provide a set of international rules for the interpretation of the chief terms used in the foreign trade contracts. 

INCO terms were published first in 1936 and subsequently amended and added to in 1953, 1967, 1976, 1980 and 1990. The latest 2000 version defines 13 contract terms, providing an up to date set of rules broadly in the line with the current international trade practices.

Though the adoption of INCO terms is optional, the merchants wishing t use these rules should specify that their contacts will be governed by “INCO terms-2000”. The selection of an INCO term is accordance with the convenience of the parties concerned and as agreed by them.

While quoting the price, the seller takes into account not only the cost of apparel production or apparel costing but also additional costs and risks involved as per the trade term agreed.

Shipment Terms and Conditions in Import-Export Business:

The thirteen INCO terms are as listed in the below in ascending order of responsibility or obligation to the seller.

SL No.Letter TermContract TermsAbbreviationsMode of Transport
01E- TermEx WorksEXWAll modes
02F- TermsFree carrierFCAAll modes
03Free Alongside ShipFASWater
04Free On BoardFOBWater
05C- TermsCost and  freightCFRWater
06Cost, Insurance and FreightCIFWater
07Carriage Paid ToCPTAll modes
08Carriage Insurance Paid ToCIFAll modes
09D- TermsDelivered at FrontierDAFAll modes
10Delivered Ex ShipDESWater
11Delivered Ex QuayDEQWater
12Delivered Duty UnpaidDDUAll modes
13Delivered Duty PaidDDPAll modes

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