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Textile Notes

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Working Hour and Overtime Policy in the Garments Industry

Working Hour and Overtime Policy in the Garments Industry

Every factory has its own policy for employees’ rights and welfare. This writing is about a policy of working Hours & Overtime Policy of a Garments Industry to get an idea about working Hours & Overtime system.

This article is to provides guidelines to the company employees about the working hours and overtime policy as per Instruction and Local law. This policy will be applicable to all employees employed in the organization.

Working Hour and Overtime Policy in the Garments Industry

1. Working Hour Policy in the Garments Industry:

Working hour

 The daily working hour is 8 hours a day. No worker shall be required or allowed to work in a factory for more than 48 hours (forty-eight hours) in any week. Provided that the total hours of work of a worker shall not exceed 60 hours (sixty hours) in any week and not the average fifty-six hours per week in any year.

All workers will be allowed one hour rest a day after 5 hours of work. Factory and office will start daily work at 8:00 am and will end at 5:00 pm with a rest of one hour from 01:00 pm to 2:00 pm. Total working hours in a day will not exceed more than 10 hours including overtime.

If the daily working hours exceed more than eight hours then there will be 15 minutes intervals before starting overtime. In case the overtime is for one hour, no interval will be allowed before overtime.

If any work is done on a weekly holiday then the workers will be provided a compensatory weekly holiday as soon as circumstances permit, or an equal number of the holidays so deprived of. In case the workers desire to get a financial benefit for the work performed on such a weekly holiday instead of a compensatory holiday then the day may be considered as overtime duty after discussion and consensus with PC.

If any work is done on festival holiday then the workers will be provided two days compensatory holidays as soon as circumstances permit. In case the workers desire to get a financial benefit for the work so performed on such weekly holiday instead of compensatory holiday then the day may be considered as overtime duty after discussion and consensus with PC.

 Overtime schedule shall be prepared by the Top Management and the    Unit-in-charge and Supervisors shall execute the same accordingly. Under no circumstances the Unit-in-charge and Supervisors shall override the policies and schedule fixed by the Top Management. Any violation in this regard shall be treated as an offense on the part of the Unit-in-charge and Supervisors or executives.

2. Overtime Policy in the Garments Industry

The company introduced a policy to ensure voluntary overtime work for the workers. There shall be a VOLUNTARY OVERTIME SHEET in every section where the workers will put their signature by 24 hours before as a mark of their willingness to do the overtime on a particular day. The HR Officers working on the floor will collect the VOLUNTARY OVERTIME SHEET after before 24 hours and submit the same to the HR Department. The workers who do not sign the VOLUNTARY OVERTIME SHEET will leave the factory after normal working hours.

  1. Any work performed beyond eight hours in a day will be calculated as overtime.
  2. Factory may do maximum overtime for 2 hours a day.
  3. No worker shall be required or allowed to do more than 12 hours of overtime in a week.
  4. Fifteen minutes will be given for rest if there is any overtime for 2 hours in a day.

3.   Allowance for overtime

Where a worker works in the factory for more than eight hours in any day or more than forty-eight hours in a week, he/she shall, in respect of overtime work, be entitled to allowance at the rate of twice his ordinary rate of wages.

Provided that the ordinary rate of wages for calculating overtime allowance under this Labor law shall not include any bonus or any other additional payment in lieu of bonus. The calculation of per hour overtime is as follows: Basic Pay ÷ 208 X 2 = per hour overtime.

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