Important Abbreviations List Related Garments Manufacturing
Important Abbreviations List Related Garments Manufacturing
Garments related abbreviations
This abbreviation list is a complete handbook for garments manufacturing-related anybody. I have tried my best to give the highest collection of abbreviations, Acronyms, and Incoterms list that are related to the garments manufacturing industry. A full list of abbreviations some used in fabrics (textile), some used in production, some used in merchandising, some used in industrial engineering (IE), some used in commercial work, some used in quality control work, and the rest of all used commonly used in general for garments industry. All these terms are used in works, reporting, communication, and business; a complete notebook for garments professionals. There are Six Sigma and lean manufacturing tools related abbreviations also included here but garments quality abbreviations are most in a number of this article. I hope you will like the following list.

200+ Important Abbreviations List Related Garments Manufacturing
Full form of all garments related abbreviation
- AAMA-American Apparels Manufacturing Association
- AAMC-American Apparel Manufacturing Corporation
- AAQC-American Apparels Quality control
- AGM- Assistant general manager
- AQL-Acceptable Quality Level
- AQM- Assistant Quality Manager
- ASQ- American Society for Quality
- BATEXPO-Bangladesh Textile Exposition
- BGMEA-Bangladesh Garments Manufacture and Exporter’s Association
- BJCP-Bangladesh Jute Cultivation Program
- BJEC-Bangladesh Jute Export Corporation
- BJMA-Bangladesh Jute Mills Association
- BJMC-Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation
- BKMEA-Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers and Exporter’s Association
- BL-Bill of Lading
- BOM- Bill of Material
- BS- Bill of Sale
- BS- British Standard
- BSCI – Business Social Compliance Initiative
- BTMA-Bangladesh Textile Mills Association
- BTMC-Bangladesh Textile Mills Corporation
- CAD-Computer Aided Design
- CAM-Computer Aided Manufacturing
- CAP-Corrective Action Plan
- CBA-Collective Bargaining Agent
- CBI-Center Back Line
- CBM-Cubic Meter
- CEO- Chief executive officer
- CF-Cubic Feet
- CFI-Center Front Line
- CFO- Chief financial officer
- CI-Commercial Invoice
- CIF-Cost Insurance and Freight
- CIP- Commercially Important Person
- CM-Cost of Making/Cut and Make/ Cost of Manufacturing
- CMT-Cost of Making with Trimmings/Cut, Make & Trim
- CnF-Cost and Freight
- CO- Certificate of Origin
- COC-Code of Conduct
- COD-Cash on Delivery
- COO- Chief operating officer/ Chief Operations Officer
- CPM- Cost per minute
- CPSIA- Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act
- CRD-Cargo Receive Date
- CT-Cycle Time
- CTL- Consumer Testing Laboratories
- C-TPAT – Customs-Trade Partnership against Terrorism
- CWO- Cash with Order
- D65-Artificial Day Light
- DGM- Deputy general manager
- DHU- Defects per hundred units.
- DMAIC- Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control
- DMD- Deputy managing director
- DOP- Director of Operations
- DPR- Daily production report
- DTM- Dyed to Match
- ED- Executive director
- EDI- Electronic Data Interchange
- EDT – Estimated Delivery Time
- EMB- Embroidery
- EMS- Environment management system
- EPB-Export Promotion Bureau
- EPI – Ends Per Inch
- EPZ-Export Processing Zone
- ERP- Enterprise Resource Planning
- ETA -Estimated Time of Arrival
- ETD -Estimated Time of Departure
- ETP- Effluent Treatment Plant
- FA- Final Audit
- FBCCI- Federation of Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce and Industries
- FDI-Foreign Direct Investment
- FI- Final Inspection
- FIFO- First In First Out
- FM- Factory Manager
- FOA-Free on Air
- FOB-Free on Board/Freight on Board
- FPT – Fabrics performance test
- FQA-Final Quality Audit
- FTC-Federal Trade Commission
- GAT-General Agreement on Tariff and Trade
- GCR- Garments Check Report
- GDP-Gross Domestic product
- GLM- Grams per linear meter
- GM- General Manager
- GMT-Garments
- GNP-Gross National Product
- GPQ- Guideline for production and quality
- GPT-Garments Performance Test
- GSD- General Sewing data
- GSM – Grams per square meter
- GSP-Generalized System of Preference
- GW- Gross Weight
- HOM- Head of manufacturing
- HOO- Head of Operations
- HOP- Head of production
- HR- Human Resource
- HRM- Human Resource Management
- IC- Inspection certificate
- ICB- Investment Corporation of Bangladesh
- ICC- International Chamber of Commerce
- IE-Industrial engineering
- ILO-International Labor Organization
- IMS-Industrial Management System/Service
- IPC- In-Process Check
- IPE- Industrial and production engineering
- ISO-International Organization for Standardization
- KPI – Key Performance Indicator
- L/C-Letter of Credit
- LCA- Letter of Credit Authorization
- LDC-Least Developed Country
- LG- Letter of guarantee
- LIFO- Last In First Out
- LT- Lead time
- MD- Managing director
- MDI- Managing for Daily Improvement
- MIS- Management Information System
- MMT-Measurement
- MOQ- Minimum order quantity
- MOU-Memorandum of understanding
- MP- Man Power
- MTD- Month to Date
- NGC-New Generation Computing
- NOC- No Objection Certificate
- NPT-Non Productive Time
- NSA-No Seam Allowance
- OB- Operation bulletin/ Breakdown
- OEE- Overall Equipment Effectiveness
- OQL – Outgoing Quality Level/ Observed Quality Level
- OZ- Ounces
- P/C – Polyester + Cotton
- PC- Production Coordinator
- PCD- Planned Cut Date
- PD- Production director
- PDCA- Plan, Do, Check, Act
- PDM-Production Details Manual
- PI – Proforma Invoice
- PM-Production Manager
- POM- Point of measurement
- PO-Production Order/Purchase Order
- PPC- Production Planning and control
- PPE – Personal Protective Equipment
- PPI – Picks Per Inch
- PPM- Pre-production meeting
- PP-Pre Production
- PQI- Practice quality improvement/ Performance and Quality Improvement
- PSI- Pre-shipment Inspection
- PS-Production Sample
- QA-Quality Assurance
- QC- Quality controller
- QC-Quality Control
- QI- Quality Inspector
- QIP- Quality Improvement Plan
- QMS- Quality Management System
- RCS- Recycled Claim Standard
- RFD – Ready for Dyeing
- RFID- Radio-frequency identification
- RFT-Right First Time
- RH- Relative Humidity
- RMG-Ready Made Garments
- RPM- Revolution per Minute
- RQS- Requirement for quality system
- RSL- Restricted Substances List
- SAM-Standard Allowed Minute
- SCM- Supply Chain Management
- SKU- Stock Keeping Unit
- SMV-Standard Minute Value
- SOP-Standard Operating Procedure
- SPC- Statistical process control
- SPI- Stitch Per Inch
- SPL- Stitch per length
- SPM- Stitches per Minute
- SPT- Stitch per tack
- SQC- Statistical Quality Control
- SQL-Submitted Quality Level
- SRL- Sensory and Consumer Research
- STP- Sewage Treatment Plants
- T/C – Tetron + Cotton
- TAP-Total Acceptable Product
- TBA- To be announced
- TBC- To be confirmed or to be continued
- TBD- To be discussed/ defined/ decided
- TIN-Tax Identification Number
- TLS- Traffic Light system
- TNA- Time and Action Plan
- TPM- Total productive maintenance
- TQM – Total Quality Management
- TRL- Technology Readiness Level
- UPC-Universal Product Code
- VMS- Visual Management System
- VPR-Vendor Performance Record
- VSM- Value stream mapping
- WAS-Weekly Audit Schedule
- WH-Working Hour
- WIP- Work In-process
- WTO-World Trade Organization
- WTP- Water Treatment Plant
- XL- Extra Large
- YTD- Year to Date
- YY- Yielder Per Yard
- UD- Utilization Declaration
- GOTS- Global Organic Textile Standard
- IESD- Industrial Engineering sewing data
- MTM- Measures time in terms
- TMUS- Time measurement units.
- OCR- Order completion report.
- FGTN- Finished goods transfer note.
- MOM- Minutes of Meeting.
- FMCG- Fast-moving consumer goods.
- FMEA- Failure mode & effects analysis.
- FOC- Free of Charge/ Cost.
- MSDS- Material safety data sheet.
If you have any more abbreviations list related to the garments industry that are missing here or if you have any feedback, please write us through the mail.