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Daily Product Safety Checklist in the Apparel Industry

Daily Product Safety Checklist in the Apparel Industry

Product safety is the first thing first to ensure for any garment manufacturing industry. This checklist is a starting point to ensure your apparel products meet safety standards. In this article, we explain the Daily Product Safety Checklist in the Apparel Industry.

Daily Product Safety Checklist in the Apparel Industry

Daily Product Safety Checklist in the Apparel Industry

We described here the Daily Product Safety Checklist in the garments industry which is mandatory to follow:

1. Purchasing Department/ Material Warehouse
ASharp Tool/ Needle Records: purchasing, inventory, distribution, replacement and return records. (at least keep 12-month records)
iSelect one category of Sharp Tools to verify the records….can it match to the actual or not?
iiSelect one category of Needle to verify the records….can it match to the actual or not?                                                            
BStorage condition for inventory and returned sharp tools/ needle…is it stored in a safe box with lock?
2. Sample Room
A Sharp Tool/ Needle Records: inventory, distribution, replacement records. (at least keep 12-month records)
iSelect one category of Sharp Tools to verify the records….can it match to the actual or not?
iiSelect one category of Needle to verify the records….can it match to the actual or not?                                                            
BStorage condition for inventory and returned sharp tools/ needle…is it stored in a safe box with lock?
CAre sharp tools  properly tied?
DSearching the drawers/ lockers especially workshop supervisors’ table…  no sharp tool/ needle is without control?
ESearching the oil tank, table, thread stand and drawer of sewing machine/ floor for any spare needle/ broken needle part. (Use magnet pen/ sweeper)…no spare needle/ no needle fragement is found?                                                      
FHow to handle the broken needle parts during replacement process.… small plastic container is used?
GVerify the procedure how to find the incomplete broken needle fragment….ask factory to demonstrate the process….is it correct?                                                                                      
HNeedle record (including inventory, distrution record, replacement record and lost needle  record)  ….can it match to the actual or not?
3. Cutting Room
ASharp Tool/ Cutting Blade Records: inventory, distribution, replacement records. (at least keep 12-month records)
iSelect one category of Sharp Tools to verify the records….can it match to the actual or not?
iiTo verify the cutting blade records….can it match to the actual or not?
BStorage condition for inventory and returned sharp tools/ cutting blade…is it stored in a safe box with lock?
CSearching the drawers/ lockers especially workshop supervisors’ table…  no sharp tool/ cutting blade is without control?
4. Sewing/ Knitting/ Linking Room
A Sharp Tool/ Needle Records: inventory, distribution, replacement records. (at least keep 12-month records)
iAny designated person as a needle controller in the sewing workshop?
iiSelect one category of Sharp Tools to verify the records….can it match to the actual or not?
iii.Select one category of Needle to verify the records….can it match to the actual or not?                                                            
BStorage condition for inventory and returned sharp tools/ needle…is it stored in a safe box with lock?
CAre sharp tools  properly tied?
DSearching the drawers/ lockers especially workshop supervisors’ table…  no sharp tool/ needle is without control?
ESearching the oil tank, table, thread stand and drawer of sewing machine/ floor for any spare needle/ broken needle part. (Use magnet pen/ sweeper)…no spare needle/ no needle fragement is found?                                                      
FHow to handle the broken needle parts during replacement process.… is small plastic container used?
GVerify the procedure how to find the incomplete broken needle fragment….ask factory to demonstrate the process….is it correct?                                                                                      
HNeck Stretch gauge … any measure record?
IPulling test records on attachments (small parts such as bow, 3D trims…etc)… any record?
JHeat transfer label (control records)….any record?                                              
KFusible Interlining (control records)….any record?
5. Pressing & Finishing Room
ASharp Tool/ Hand-Sewing Needle Records: inventory, distribution, replacement records.       (at least keep 12-month records)   
i.Select one category of Sharp Tools to verify the records….can it match to the actual or not?
ii.Check hand-sewing needle with records_ can it match to the actual or not?                                                                                    
BStorage condition for inventory and returned sharp tools/ hand-sewing needle…is it stored in a safe box with lock?
CAre sharp tools  properly tied?
DSearching the drawers/ lockers especially workshop supervisors’ table…  no sharp tool/ needle is without control?
ELock-stitch Buttoning          
i.Lock-stitch Buttoning (SOP & control records)….any record?                 
ii.good condition and maintenance of lockstitch buttoning machine
iii.interview the trimming operator about how to handle the “rabbit ear”
iv.check “rabbit ear” of 10 pcs garment
F Snap Attachment   
i.Any record for Pinch Setting and Tension test?
ii.Verify the procedure how to handle the whole snap process….ask factory to demonstrate the process….is it correct?
iii.Regular calibration done on pull strength tester at least once a year with cert.
iv.How to handle the damaged snap or snap dropped on the floor?
v.How to inspect the snap (Line QC)? –  visual check for leg in/ out and open/ close physical check for attachment strength
vi.Select 10 pcs garment from bulk and check any insecure/ abnormal snap.
GStone wash items (Inspection SOP)….is SOP correct?           
HInspection guide for small parts trapped in pockets, bootie or other enclosed parts of the kids/ baby items… any SOP record?
IBugs Control (to clean the products – use the blowing machine, thread suction machine..etc)… is it ready for going to packing line?
6. Packing Room
ASharp Tool Records: inventory, distribution, replacement records       (at least keep 12-month records)                                                                             
i.Select All categories of Sharp Tools to verify the records….can it match to the actual or not?
BStorage condition for inventory and returned sharp tools…is it stored in a safe box with lock?
CAre sharp tools  properly tied?
DSearching the drawers/ lockers especially workshop supervisors’ table…  no sharp tool is without control?
EMetal Free Zone (SOP)…restricted area?
FNeedle detectors should be calibrated in a regular period of time by the machine supplier or 3rd-party (6-month period for Disney, 12-month period for Gymboree & Carter’s)
GProducts passed thru the needle detector are isolated until next calibration?                                                                                
HNeedle detection records (including embroidery piece-goods and all repacked items)….can it match to the actual or not? (at least keep 12-month records)
I9 points calibration… any record?   ask the qualified operator to demonstrate the process….is it correct?       (at least keep 12-month records)
JHow to handle the metal contaminated samples…ask the qualified operator to demonstrate the process….is it correct?  
KBugs Control (to use Screen on windows, Plastic Curtain or Top Blower at the exits) …is it efficient?                                                                                    
7. QC Inspection Room/ Final Product Warehouse
ASharp Tool Records: inventory, distribution, replacement records       (at least keep 12-month records)                                                                        
i.Select All categories of Sharp Tools to verify the records….can it match to the actual or not?
BStorage condition for inventory and returned sharp tools/ hand-sewing needle…is it stored in a safe box with lock?
CAre sharp tools  properly tied?
DSearching the drawers/ lockers especially workshop supervisors’ table…  no sharp tool is without control?

This is a complete checklist for product safety in the garments industry.

Daily Product Safety Checklist in the Apparel Industry

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